Monday, March 23, 2009

Dispersion Array #1

The music: Dispersion Array #1 (5:48)

Most residential electrical wiring is sloppy and poorly insulated at best. When you start attenuating audio equipment, you find yourself running into all sorts of subtle interference. The most common is the ever-popular 60-cycle hum, but you also have to deal with odd little jitters and fluctuations, which are difficult to isolate and nearly impossible to predict.

In the end, you're left with a number of choices:

  • Suffer a nervous breakdown trying to stamp them all out,

  • Attempt to filter out as many possible spikes as possible, therefore degrading the overall signal,

  • Sigh and live with the situation, or

  • Embrace it and use it as a compositional element.

I chose #4 in this case. The 60-cycle hum falls just a hair above B, so I ran a loop, slowed it down a hair to resonate as A, and embedded it in the mix. You can also hear an odd bit of quiet electrical chatter in one spot, which I believe is my refrigerator switching on. Let's pretend it was intentional, shall we?

In any case, enjoy.

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