Dante was my best friend for fifteen years. This was the last picture I took of him, a day before I had to have him put to sleep. I gave him the best life I could, and he repaid me with unconditional love.
He meant to stick with me, even though he was hurting. I was reluctant to let him go, because I was too afraid to lose him. He was brave while I was selfish.
He'd never have thought that, though. He simply loved me with all his heart, and that's a gift we all too often take for granted.
I watched him grow from an ebullient and bright puppy to a wise old man, and he was a reassuring constant in my life, no matter what happened. Now it aches to walk through a room that's all too empty without him.
Dogs love unconditionally, and I do believe they have souls. Martin Luther once wrote,
In Paradise there was complete harmony between man and animals; one day again that harmony will be restored and all creation will be made anew.
I'll see him again some day. In the meantime, he's got Luna to keep him company.
I'll miss you, kiddo.
Dante's childhood friend, the sprinkler. Once he figured out how it worked, he made a habit of sleeping in the spot where the water fell.
Hello. Yes, this is dog.
Taken during his last Christmas with me.
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