Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tactical Operator of the Day

Ah, YouTube: a veritable cornucopia of questionable gun advice. Today's example is MrSurplusnut. See if you can make it all the way through without cringing.

MrSurplusnut, ready for action!

He likes the word "scenario," and he really likes his CCW badge. By the two-minute mark, I lost count of the number of times he swept the camera with his finger on the trigger of a loaded gun.

Keep watching, and the abyss stares back. Particularly harrowing is his response (at the 4-minute mark) to the idea that one should run from a violent confrontation.
What do you mean 'running away?' How are you gonna run away? You know, if anything, he's the one's going to be running away, and I'm gonna be after him like this.

That's right, because the image of this overweight, wheezing guy running after me with a gun in his hand would scare the heck out of me, and I'm not even a criminal.

MrSurplusnut, asking what's up

In case his current loadout isn't enough, he supplements it with (of course) a geeked-out AK-47. In his words, "tactical AK and the Glock: that's the way to roll."

MrSurplusnut, ready to "roll"

Even with the rifle, MrSurplusnut can't be troubled with minor trivialities like muzzle control or trigger discipline. He's too busy regaling us with his knowledge of tactics, no doubt learned from dozens of late-70's vigilante cop films.

If you make it to 10:25, he nearly drops the gun on the draw and advises the viewer, "you can give it the old spin. That's how you gotta do it." Yes, he spins the gun on his finger. A loaded gun.

I was really hoping this was parody, but alas, it isn't. This guy takes himself seriously. Judging by the number of videos he's posted, he's passing his sage advice on to other people who don't know better.

This is a strong argument for two things. First, take everything you see on YouTube with a grain of salt. Just because someone's got a video camera and the ability to upload their missive to a website doesn't mean they're credible in any way.

Second, don't wear that stupid badge, and give anyone wearing one a wide berth.


  1. Well, that's 3 minutes and 41 seconds of my life I'll never get back. If it weren't for the jackass getting ripped to shreds in the comments I might be a little angry right now.

    That was painful to watch; very painful. Guys like that are the reason why it only gets more difficult to obtain a CCW these days for regular folks.

    I think I would rather get shot by a perp than be saved by that jackass! What a joke!

  2. BTW, your take on it had me crackin' up too! Nicely done.
