Wednesday, October 19, 2011

When All Else Fails, Lie

CSGV Alarmism

H.R. 822 now has 245 cosponsors.  I have my reasons for thinking it's the wrong approach, and even if it does get through the Senate, it won't be signed.  That's alright.  I like this one for one very salient reason: it's got folks in certain corners going all kinds of asplodey.

Today's exhibit is from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV).  They were originally formed in 1975 as the National Coalition to Ban Handguns.  One of the founders was Edward Welles, who also started the Violence Policy Center.  At some point, they decided that the phrase "ban handguns" might be a little extreme, and they changed it.  If that story sounds familiar, the Violence Policy Center used to be Handgun Control International.  Evidently, "control" is also a scary word to the moderates these guys hope to attract.

Under the even less threatening name of the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, the CSGV collects $125,000 from the Joyce Foundation every year, which is about $120,000 more than the Brady Campaign makes.

Anyhow, this bill is bringing out the worst in the gun control crowd.  First we had Pulitzer Prize winner John Crewdson committing perjury on a Florida carry license application to prove some elusive point, and now we have this piece of claptrap, which is a cheap, manipulative lie.

Under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(9), also known as the Lautenberg Amendment, it is illegal for anyone convicted of any crime of domestic violence to own a gun.  Period.  No state will issue a carry permit to anyone thus convicted.  Why?  Because the applicant can't legally own a gun in the first place.  H.R. 822 won't do anything to make domestic violence worse.

The folks at CSGV know that, but this is how low they have to sink to get attention.

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