Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lando Calrissian: A Man for Our Time

We were pretty slow at work this weekend. Apparently, Atlanta is not only hosting a football game, but Dragon*Con and Black Gay Pride as well. It's hard to compete with a lineup that covers that many bases.

Given this unprecedented confluence of diversity, one must inevitably wonder: is Lando Calrissian getting the respect he deserves? He could be a major influence for cultural integration and acceptance.

Seriously, look at the guy. He's all kinds of fabulous.

Now, I'm not implying anything here.  Lando does seem to prefer the company of women, but then there's this:

Of course, that doesn't prove much, either. I'm not gay, but I'd let Harrison Ford hug me. I might draw the line at second base, but I could definitely find it in my heart to forgive him for that awful film he made with Ellen Degeneres' ex-wife.

In any case, I'd like to declare September 4th National Lando Calrissian Appreciation Day.  The man has the potential to bring us all closer together.  I mean, what else is there to commemorate?  Anton Bruckner's birthday?  The deposition of Romulus Augustulus?  The founding of the Third Republic?  Bah, says I.  Lando's the man, and he deserves this day.


  1. It's also my birthday. I'd love to tell everyone that I was born on Lando Calrissian Appreciation Day. Three cheers for Lando!

  2. Atlanta has MORE bases than that this weekend; 3 different football games, Braves games, WNBA games (apparently they are headed to the "playoffs") and the NASCAR race is rained out till Tuesday.

    Lando is a great choice. Here's another clip:
