Sunday, March 7, 2010

Donuts Don't Wear Alligator Shoes

New rule: if you're irresponsible enough to forget your weapon and leave it at the range, we're going to use it to stage goofy pictures.  I really wanted to do a parody of the final frame of Black Dynamite, but asking employees to curl up around my legs could constitute grounds for a lawsuit in some quarters.

If you haven't seen the movie, you should.  Heck, if Sandra Bullock can get an Oscar for whatever it is she did, Michael Jai White deserves one for pulling off lines like this with a straight face:
Doctor Wu, your knack for biological scientific transmogrification is only matched by your zest for Kung-Fu treachery!

I've been using that one all week, regardless of context.  I get odd looks sometimes.

The gun is a Kel-Tec PLR-16.  It was left in a faux Pelican case with a bunch of spare magazines and several hundred rounds of Wolf ammunition. Given the demographic of people who buy guns like this in lieu of decent ones, I'd assume that there was a DVD of Boondock Saints in the case at some point as well.  Unfortunately, we did not recover that.

Of course, nobody ever leaves guns laying about that we'd actually want to shoot.  Such is life.

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