Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Ah, April 22nd. Birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, leader of the October Revolution and savior of the Proletariat. Let us all take a moment to...

What? Oh. Oh...that April 22nd. Earth Day. Right. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

Earth Day wasn't founded by Lenin. It was founded by Ira Einhorn, who, unlike Lenin, only murdered one person.

Accounts vary, and many contest the allegation that he founded it, though he claims to have done so. What is uncontested is that he was pivotal in organizing it, and he served as Master of Ceremonies for the inaugural Earth Day Rally in 1970.

Heck with it, I'm going to buy about 300 cases of Aqua Net and use it all in one fell swoop. If I survive the fumes, at least I'll know I helped keep that pesky ozone layer from healing itself. Think of the tan I'll have then.


  1. So the Earth Day movement, like just about any other movement, contains some unsavory people. So what? Shouldn't it be judged on its own merits, or lack thereof?

    Can't we find a reasonable middle ground of rational environmental stewardship somewhere between the extremes of (1) radical, violent green extremism and (2) emptying 300 cases of hairspray for the hell of it?

    There are a lot of people in the pro-2A camp who also happen to be [expletive deleted], and I think we'd both be justifiably upset if some anti-gun nut pointed at them to disgrace our position rather than engaging it based on the evidence.

  2. Can't we find a reasonable middle ground of rational environmental stewardship somewhere between the extremes of (1) radical, violent green extremism and (2) emptying 300 cases of hairspray for the hell of it?
    It's called humor. can't even get the stuff with CFC's in it anymore.

    The comparison with the 2A camp is a big disingenuous. Most environmental movements are based on pseudoscience at best and require the acceptance of things that are not proveable. Al Gore's Nobel-prize-winning movie provides numerous examples.

    On the other hand, the pro-2A argument is capable on resting its case on verifiable facts. Accepting the right to keep and bear arms does not require a leap of faith, it simply requires a willingness to accept the historical, statistical and legal evidence.

    And yes, there are supporters of the 2nd Amendment who make morons of themselves in public. I know, I deal with them on a regular basis.
