Saturday, January 24, 2009

Democrats: they're not all out to get us.

New York Governor David Paterson has selected Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand to take Hillary Clinton's place as New York Senator. The bad news? She's a Democrat.

The good news? She's a Democrat.

Gillibrand has earned an "A" rating from the NRA based on a voting record which shows unwavering support for the 2nd Amendment.

That's right: a pro-gun Senator representing New York. It may very well be that the North American Reagan Democrat isn't as extinct as we thought.

It's also indicitave of a larger issue that most people haven't noticed. Yes, the Democrats took hold of the Legislative branch in 2006, but nobody seemed to notice what kind of Democrats they were. Some hew closer to the right of center than many Republicans, and more than a few are strong supporters of the 2nd Amendment.

As Dave Kopel observed following the mid-terms, most Democrats who ousted Republican incumbents, "had nearly identical ratings on gun issues." Furthermore, the 2nd Amendment isn't the only issue on which this new wave of Democrats leans right. Fiscal conservatism is also a platform for many, and several define themselves as pro-life. Not what we're used to hearing in 2008, is it?

So yes, the Democrats have control of two branches of government, but that doesn't mean the liberal idealogy does.

Remember that H.R. 1399, also known as the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act, recieved the blessing of 85 Democrats. You can bet these weren't Pelosi's Home Guard.

In fact, Carolyn McCarthy is going into apoplexy over the whole thing. Her take:
I've spent 15 years trying to prevent gun violence in this country, and if he does pick her and if no one goes and primaries her, I will primary her [is 'primary' a verb?] I will do that. I'm not going to give up on this. I'm not going to let New York State get represented by someone who gets a 100 percent rating from the NRA.

Of course, this is the woman who keeps trying to reintroduce the expired Assault Weapons Ban every year, even though she doesn't understand the nature of the things she thinks should be banned.

I suppose her frustration is justified, however. 2008 was supposed to mark the ascendancy of the unchallenged Left, and now they're realizing that many of their own don't lean much that way after all.

I've said it before: gun control is a long shot at best for this administration, and this is just another reason why. Although Democrats have the majority of Congress, the Left does not.

There are Democrats in office who show far more interest in our cause than many Republicans ever have. We risk missing out on a great opportunity by not reaching out to our allies, no matter which side of the aisle they may be on.

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