Monday, December 27, 2010

Many Bothans Died to Bring Us This Information

Let's just say I know a guy who once knew a guy who once sniffed paint with Julian Assange in college.  He sometimes gets, shall we say, privileged information.  Some of it is highly classified, as is what I'm about to share with you.

Seriously, let's not put this all over the internet, people.

We all know that the SCAR Mk-16 was recently dropped by SOCOM, and the government claimed they were going back to the M4.  I now have evidence that this is not the case, and that a vast government cover-up is at work.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

“He Had Caps, Mike”

In the movie Serenity, Joss Whedon defined "hero" as "someone who gets other people killed."

Bill Husfelt and Ginger Littleton would have done well to know that.  Mr. Husfelt was apparently laboring under the impression that the gun held by Clay Duke was loaded with blanks.  After a security officer shot Duke, Husfelt remonstrated the officer as follows:
He had caps, Mike.  That's what he wanted right there, Mike.  That's why I was trying to talk to him:  I knew.

Perhaps Mr. Husfelt didn't notice the very real bullet holes in the floor and wall behind him.  When he chose to launch into a condescending lecture to Duke under the impression his weapon was harmless, he gambled the lives of every one in that room.

Then there's Ms. Littleton.  If you're going to play the hero and attack the bad guy, you'd better be able to stop him, because if you fail, there's a good chance that you're the one who pushed him over the edge.  Littleton's impulsive, impotent, and stupid purse-swinging antics could have gotten everyone in that room killed.

I find it even more worrisome that Ms. Littleton was safely away from the scene before she chose to re-enter and engage.

Look, folks:  our first clue things are going badly is when a guy spray paints a symbol on the wall and produces a weapon. That generally doesn't bode well. You don't have the option of wondering whether it's loaded, or whether he really means harm with it.  You assume the worst and act accordingly, especially when the lives of others are on the line.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

...and I Am All out of Bubblegum

Who's Captain Tactical now?  Huh?  I can't hear you!

That's right, baby.  I am.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Then There Was One

I subscribe to a few anti-gun mailing lists. As such, I get weird emails from time to time. Some are ludicrous, some are informative, and lately, most of them carry a certain air of desperation.

Today's example: a request from the Wisconsin Anti Violence Effort urging me to sign a petition against reform of Wisconsin's carry laws. According to the petition,
Research shows that allowing more people to carry guns in more places will lead to one thing -- more tragedies.

That's odd, because most statistics I've seen prove quite the opposite. Perhaps if they'd provided a citation, I could research their allegation further. Alas, none seems forthcoming.

Not that it would help much. Carry reform in Wisconsin, though long overdue, is all but inevitable.  Once passed, Illinois will be the last state in the union that completely bans concealed carry.