Sunday, September 26, 2010

Talking to the Media

Would you look at that handsome devil?  How can this guy possibly be single?

A few months back, I spoke with a reporter from the Financial Times of England.  The interview went well, but as always, I was a bit misquoted.  Though the errors were not significant, and they did not distort my intent, they can be illustrative.

Ms. Fifield was a joy to speak with.  She has her reservations on widespread gun ownership, but she was open and honest about them, and much to my delight, she was a great listener.  She's also one of the few people I've met who can still take notes in shorthand.  We spoke at great length about the history, context, and implications of the 2nd Amendment.

As you can see from the article, she had a great deal of ground to cover, and the fact that she took trouble to get all the technical terminology correct shows marvelous attention to detail.  It's only natural that a few things get transposed.